Foreign donations fuel GetUpForeign donations fuel GetUp

Foreign donations fuel GetUp

Despite campaigning for a ban on foreign political donations, GetUp has received more than $300,000 from foreign sources. And just days before a ban on foreign donations came into force, GetUp received $95,000 from the European Climate Fund:

“The GetUp activist group ­received a large foreign donation “to promote climate change education” that was declared just days before a January 1 cut-off date under new federal laws banning foreign political donations to ‘political actors’.”

Getup refused to answer questions about these donations:

"GetUp would not be drawn on questions about where the EFC money was sourced, or why it appeared to be in breach of the EFC’s own funding principles not to fund “activities outside the scope of EU climate strategy”.

It also declined to respond when asked if there were any links
between international EFC donors and the Australian-based Sunrise Project, which last month donated $495,000 to GetUp to fund campaigning in the lead-up to the federal election, expected in May.”

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Read the full story here: The Australian